
戴天禾祖籍江蘇鎮江,生於重慶,在台灣長大. 年隨父親屏南先生學習書法,後又從世伯姚夢谷先生學習繪畫, 1965年來美,取得圖書館碩士學位後,又涉足西畫. 搬到舊金山灣區後,從侯北人先生創始的ASACA學會學習潑彩. 2006年自史坦福大學退休後,定期與三、五好友潛心學習中國書法與西畫. 平日亦好唱歌並喜旅遊,名山大川常遺其足跡.

Alberta Wang was born in Chongqing,China and grew up in Taiwan. She studied Chinese calligraphy with her father, Pingnan Tai, and studied Chinese painting with Monggu Yao, a family friend who painted at Alberta's home from time to time. Alberta did not realize how much influence these two artists had on her until she came to the United States in 1965. After graduating with a Masters degree in Library Science from the University of Pittsburg, pursuing a career, marrying and raising a family, Alberta resumed her pursuit of art and calligraphy. She found inspiration from two excellent teachers and artists, Peter Blos and Brice Bowman. She also appreciates the coaching of Master Mr. Beijen Hau. Alberta is a current member of ASACA and other art associations. In 2006, she retired from Stanford University and continues to enrich her life with art, as well as with music and traveling.