
陳淑珍出生於臺灣雲林, 雅好詩文書畫, 嘗從張梅駒先生. 傅懷寧先生習書, 素仰侯北人先生鎔古鑄今絢麗壯闊, 傳統與創新之美兼備的潑彩潑墨, 復慕袁天一先生凌霄千仞獨步當代的文人墨竹, 從遊其間, 受益良多.

Susan S. Chen, born in Yun-Lin, Taiwan, enjoys Chinese literature, Chinese calligraphy and painting. She has received training in calligraphy from Messrs. Mei-Ju Chang and Huai-Ning Fu. Ms. Chen has also taken workshops from Mr. Pei-Jen Hau who combines tradition and modernity in his unique splashing ink paintings. She has also benefited from taking comprehensive lessons from Mr. Pao-Tsa Yuan whose Chinese paintings of bamboos are famous and well admired.