
雷家樂出生在蘇州,自畢業于天津大學建築系後遷居香港。于1969年移民美國。 前後從事于建築事業共卅八年。 在1996年退休後,從侯北人老師學習中國繪畫。希望在今後的旅程中,不但能安享晚年,更能追隨侯老師保持青年人的進取之心。



Chai Lo Lai
Chai Lo Lai, also known as Carol Lai was born in Suzhou, China. After graduating from Tienjin University with a degree in Architecture, she moved to Hong Kong. In 1969 she immigrated to United States. She worked in the architecture industry for a total of thirty eight years. After retiring in 1996, she began studying Chinese brush painting from Mr. Hau Pei Jen. Carol hopes that in the days to come, not only will she be able to lead a peaceful and enjoyable life, but also able to follow Mr. Hau’s teaching, and maintain a youthful and productive spirit.