
張逸平生於上海,畢業於中國華東師大外文系。自幼喜好書畫,隨王曉蘭老師習書法,花鳥寫意啟蒙於張阿杰老師,並得到海上畫家唐雲和喬木老師的指點。1990年初赴美深造後仍不能忘懷於臨池。作品曾多次在美國、中國和台灣展覽。曾獲得Cupertino市藝術協會最高獎及El Cerrito市二等獎。2005年起隨侯北人大師繼續大寫意的山水和花鳥的學習。

Irene Zhang, born in Shanghai and graduated from East China Normal University, started her Chinese calligraphy and brush painting from an early age in Shanghai. After coming to the U.S. as an international student, she has continued her hobby and passion. She has exhibited her paintings in the U.S., China, and Taiwan. In 2005, she started following Master Paul Hau.